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Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 4-4(64) 2009
Political Science

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I.V. Lisyuchenko

Inheritance of the Power of East Slavs in an Epic Plot #Ilja and Sokolnik#

The article is devoted to descent of power in the east Slavs state forming at that time. Using material of different sources, first of all, folklore, the author gives a seeing of the plot "Father fights a son", proving that we see a reflection of ceremonial duel of old and young leaders for the power. For all that, historico-genetic, historico-comparative and structural-functional methods of research are used. Ilya Murometz, which must be characterized as an actual ruler of the early state, and his son (daughter), belong to two exogamy's commons, being in relations of enmity and marriage exchange. These potestical-political realities determined that east Slavs of the examined epoch had some features of maternal family period.

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