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Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 4-1(64) 2009
Political Science

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Р.К. Dashkovsky

Central Asia Turkic Peoples' Ministers of Religion Worship in the Middle Ages

Complex processes of ethnoconfessional interaction in the South Siberia and Central Asia led to the influence of different religious and ideological traditions on formation of nomads' syncretic world-view conceptions and rites. Different data make it possible to mark out among Turkic people of the early Middle Ages group of people who were involved in the most significant religious actions. Such specific religious elite included priests of the most important traditional (shaman) cults, khagan clan and its encirclement as well as missionaries. However because of special cultural and historical conditions of nomadism' development nomads' corporate priesthood wasn't formed, in any event with those indications which are typical for agricultural society.
Ruling clan as well as in the previous period has a sacral status and its representatives robed in charisma protected society with the help of celestial "forces of light" only by their existence. Complex memorials which were operated by the ministers of religion even after khagans' death are also indicative for Turkic rulers of high sacral level.

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