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Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
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Content of 2(20) 2001

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S.G. Maksimova

Social-valuable aspects of the old age perception

The theoretical and methodological basis for the scientific article is the concept of complex assessment of the person's vital forces, his/her individual and social subjectness. Here, the vital forces are understood as the available ability of the subject of life accomplishment to reproduce and improve his/her life. Such methodological basis enabled the use of an interdisciplinary approach to combine the elements of sociological and psychological analysis.
To study the state of health, way of life, sociopsychological adaptation, "stress-age-syndrome" development, significant social situations, formation of loneliness and types of frustrational responses, self attitude, states of disadaptation, interpersonal relationship peculiarities of the elder age people, there was generated and carried out a research program, on the basis of which there were examined people of elderly and senile age.
The scientific novelty of the conducted research is that for the first time there was fulfilled a complex approach to study social and sociopsychological adaptation of the elderly and senile age social groups representatives on the basis of a sociological and psychological research.

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