E.U. Ivanov
The function of the information's utility and it Influence on the price of information products
The economic theory considers the information mainly from the point of view of it commodity contents. However, problem determination of cost and price, consumer cost and utility of the information remaining unsolved today.
The price of the information cannot be determined by a method of the public-necessary costs of labor, as each unit of the information is unique.
Also it is impossible to determine the price of the information, basing on a method of marginal costs, as curves of the marginal costs on it production and marginal utility from it uses are not always intersected.
As against other weight of the goods, the volumes of which consumption are defined by a crosspoint of curves of decreasing marginal utility of the goods and increasing marginal costs on it purchase, the information has the function of utility combining periodically repeating elements of decrease and increase.
In an analytical kind this function can be written down as follows:
Generally function of general utility of the information will be piecewise smooth and consist of segments described by functions of a kind (1.1), have only various significance of factors.