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Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 1-1(77) 2013
Management, Computer Facilities and Computer Science
Mathematics and Mechanics
Management, Computer Facilities and Computer Science

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I.N. Rotanova, K.V. Vorob#v, N.M. Oskorbin

Foundations for Creating a Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure in Altai, its Technologies and SOne of the most laborious and expensive components of a regional spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is creation and maintenance of the integrated spatial data set - accessible information resources.

The article focuses on the way how to solve this problem using the information resources of the computer-aided information system of the State Real Property Cadastre which employs developed GIS technologies in cadastre management, land and real estate control; it also supports such functions as collection, accumulation, updating and verification of incoming renewals.
Key words: spatial data infrastructure, State Real Property Cadastre, geographic information system (GIS).oftware

Full text at PDF, 2693Kb. Language: russian.

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