L.P. Khlebova
The Influence of Temperature on the Recombination Frequency of Tetraploid Wheat
The meiotic chromosomal pairing of tetraploid durum and timopheevii wheat was studied under different temperatures of vegetation. The temperature influence on the recombination process is determined by a genotype and depends on plant resistance to the considered factor. It was stated that durum wheat varieties have a denser synapsis as compared to T. timopheevii variety. The chromosomal pairing results of the timopheevii samples under temperature changes are more variable. This fact shows that T. timopheevii is a more adaptive species.
Key words: durum wheat, timopheevii wheat, genotypical diversity, variation, temperature factor, chromosomal pairing, recombination process, chiasma frequency, bivalents, univalents, adaptation.