English Russian
Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 4-4(64) 2009
Political Science

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K.Yu. Kiryushin, S.M. Sitnikov

Problems of Chronology, Division into Periods and Cultural Belonging of the Neolith Settlement Complexes in the Altai Territory

This work deals with the scientific concepts concerning the division into periods and cultural belonging of the neolith settlement complexes in the Upper Ob Nearby, which were published in the domestic literature in the second half of the XXth - early XXIst centuries. Most archeological materials were obtained from destroyed sites which complexes represented different epochs. This fact permits to "read" material subjectively in the light of one or another scientific concept as many types of the stone artifacts as well as the forms and methods of the ceramics ornamentation are spread over the huge territory in the wide chronological range.
This work pays special attention to the materials of the Novoiljinka-III settlement. The results of the radiocarbon dating, analyses of the ceramics, stone and fauna collections of the Novoiljinka settlement draw to the conclusion that the materials of the monument can be referred to the neolith epoch.

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