English Russian
Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
Issues list
Content of 4-4(60) 2008
Political Economy

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N.S. Mahtsieva

Activity of Trade Unions in Northern Ossetia at the End of the Regenerative Period (1924-1925)

In the article the author on the basis of a documentary material has shown many-sided activity of trade unions in Northern Ossetia at the end of the regenerative period. These years are especially significant for history of trade unions as they have begun to work in new conditions of administrative transformations, when Northern Ossetia for the first time has received the autonomy status and became a part of the North - Caucasian Region. The big attention the author gives to reorganization of trade unions, and also to their role in restoration of a national economy destroyed within civil war.

Full text at PDF, 285Kb. Language: russian.

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