English Russian
Journal Title
Scientific journal of the
theoretical and applied
The News of Altai State University
Print ISSN 1561-9443
On-line ISSN 1561-9451
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Content of 2(16) 2000

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Ju.N. Gavlo

The USSR disintegration and international legal status of the Russian Federation

The actual problems of international legal evaluation of the events which appeared on the post soviet space when the USSR had stopped its existence are discussed in this article. The comparative legal analysis of the international acts adopted by the former subjects of the USSR and to the soviet debts, foreign property and international treaties of the USSR and its membership in the international organizations gives the author opportunity to speak about their contradiction. The concept of legal continuity is originally predominated there. Later on this concept gave place to the concept of continuity which was realized in the concept of the continuation of the USSR international personality of the Russian Federation. It was shown that the non-traditional approach to the solution of this problem conditioned the peculiarities of the Russian Federation international legal status: the Russian Federation has become both legal successor and continuer of the USSR.

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