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Izvestiya of Altai State
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S.Yu. Aseev, Ya.Yu. Shashkova

New Russian Parties in Political Process: Issues of Efficient Participation

The article deals with the analysis of genesis of new Russian parties and evaluation of their role in political development at both federal and regional levels. Low electoral activity and electoral efficiency of new parties is illustrated by the electoral statistics. The current situation is proved to have been caused by retaining Bonapartism of Russian political regime, simulating political myths of 2012, “freezing” and cartelization of Russian party system. Great importance is attributed to peculiarities of value system and ideal model of party system in collective consciousness of the Russians who are in favor of several big parties closely connected with the electorate. The biggest role is played by the specific character of the new parties themselves since their political activity doesn’t go beyond participation in elections where they work as spoilers or facilitating channels for local elite and business groups to get into municipal government. Special attention is given to the development of new parties in Altai Territory where, as well as in other regions, can be seen instrumental character of shaping parties.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)2.1-39

Key words: political parties, party system, electoral process, the subjects of the Russian Federation, political regime, political consciousness

Full text at PDF, 314Kb. Language: Russian.

Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
E-mail: suass@mail.ru

Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
E-mail: yashashkova@mail.ru


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